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People: Research Faculty

Vincent Hutchings

Research Professor


Research Professor, Center for Political Studies
Hanes Walton Jr. Collegiate Professor in Political Science and Afroamerican and African Studies 


Ph.D. 1997 University of California, Los Angeles (Political Science)


Vincent Hutchings’s Curriculum Vitae (CV)



Professor Hutchings’ general interests include public opinion, elections, voting behavior, and African American politics. Professor Hutchings also studies how the size of the African American constituency in congressional districts can influence legislative responsiveness to Black interests. Finally, he is also interested in the ways that campaign communications can “prime” various group identities and subsequently affect candidate evaluations.


Institute for Social Research (ISR), University of Michigan
Room 4444, 426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104–2321, United States

Phone: 734–764–6591
Fax: 734–764–3341
Email: [email protected]

University of Michigan Online Directory listing

Selected Publications

Please also see Vincent Hutchings’s Curriculum Vitae (CV).

Hutchings, V., and C. Wong. 2014. “Racism, Group Position, and Attitudes about Immigration among Blacks and Whites.” Du Bois Review 11(2): 419-442.

Berinsky, Adam, V. Hutchings, T. Mendelberg, L. Shaker, N. Valentino. 2011. “Sex and Race: Are black candidates more likely to be disadvantaged by sex scandals?” Political Behavior, 33(2): 179-202.

Valentino, N., E. Groenendyk, K. Gregorowicz, T. Brader, and V. Hutchings. 2011. “Election Night’s Alright for Fighting: The Role of Anger versus Anxiety in Political Participation.” The Journal of Politics, 73(1): 156-170.

Hutchings, V.L., H. Walton, and A. Benjamin, The Impact of Explicit Racial Cues on Gender Differences in Support for Confederate Symbols and Partisanship. The Journal of Politics, 2010. 72(04): p. 1175-1188.

Hutchings, V.L., Change or More of the Same? Evaluating Racial Attitudes in the Obama Era. Public Opinion Quarterly, 2009. 73(5): p. 917-942

Hutchings, V.L., H. McClerking, and G. Charles, Congressional Representation of Black Interests: Recognizing the Importance of Stability. The Journal of Politics, May 2004. 66(2): p. 450-468.

Hutchings, V.L., N.A. Valentino, T.S. Philpot, and I.K. White, The Comparison Strategy: Race and the Gender Gap in Campaign 2000. Public Opinion Quarterly, Winter 2004. 68(4): p.512-541

Valentino, N.A., V.L. Hutchings, and I.K. White, Cues That Matter: How Political Ads Prime Racial Attitudes during Campaigns. The American Political Science Review, 2002. 96(1): p. 75-90.